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let's train


I deliver fun, low impact but high energy and effective workouts with fast results. I target every muscle of the body during each workout and draw a lot of attention to technique and postural correction ensuring my clients’ safety - just proven methods that, with your hard work, will get you the results you are looking for. 


Now, the fun bit. We can do all this online!






"As an elite athlete I regard Jessica first and foremost as a training partner. Over the past 5 years we have worked as a team and developed an advanced programme that specifically targets flexibility, mobility, strength and power. During that time I have represented England at World and European competitions.
Jessica is a great trainer: she really cares and she is humble - she takes time to listen and to develop her own knowledge and skills to make herself the best she can be; and she shares her knowledge willingly. She has an infectious passion for her work - and this is something she was born to do"

Matthew Leedham.

"I am pleased to put on record that Jess is the best trainer that I have ever worked with. 

Her bubbly and charming exterior mask a fierce intellect and an unerring intuition as to what the client needs.  She runs the client hard, but most trainers do.  More importantly, Jess runs the client hard in a way that best suits the age and physical condition of the client. 

My own history of spectacular motorbike and ski crashes, and other miscellaneous injuries, means that I have had extensive experience with physiotherapists. Jess is not a physio and does not hold herself out as one.  That said, she can and does do 'rehab' brilliantly. 

On that front I rate Jess as the "second-best physio" that I have used, out of a large field of qualified physios with several stars, over a long time."     

Marke Raines.

"About 6 years ago, Jessica became my weekly personal trainer. I wanted to improve my general

fitness, and my time for 5k running. I improved. Strengthening the knees dealt with knee pain. The

training is also for skiing, and this has increased my confidence and enjoyment each year.

In 2018, at 74, I signed up for a 4-day trek over one of the highest secret escape routes across the Pyrenees to Spain from the French foothills, knowing I would have to carry a 10kg backpack. Jessica rose to the challenge, even at one point creating a mini-Pyrenees in the gym. It all went well. Since then, general fitness, mobility, running and skiing have been the objectives, and we have moved on to weights training.

I was and remain impressed by Jessica’s unfailing energy, enthusiasm and technical knowledge. 

Every session is planned, and different. The benefits are both physical and mental."

M. West

"Jessica has been my trainer for the past two years, and I have greatly benefited from our sessions. I

started after a family bereavement and found the regime both physically and mentally helpful.

We have worked on building up my core strength and in particular, preparing me for our annual skiing holidays, strengthening knee and thigh muscles.

I injured my leg on a bicycle ride two years ago, and Jessica worked very specifically to help repair the damage.

Our sessions are always well planned, and Jessica has a very professional and friendly approach."

V. West

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